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studio.chats the podcast

Feb 11, 2021

Very excited for today's studio chat with Natalie Clapp! Today's chat is all about her experiences working at a variety of manufacturing companies (lighting/upholstery/furniture) and networking til you find your niche. Natalie attended Illinois State University and did Communications Studies, Organizational & Leadership Communications. Upon graduation she moved to Charleston and ended up working at a high end lighting manufacturer called The Urban Electric Company before she moved to NYC. That is where she worked in design as a sales coordinator at Maharam. And now works at Walter K as the Sales Manager North America.
She shares with us what her experience was like working at three different companies, with three very different product offerings! With this comes tons of knowledge on the product side, but most importantly how to help us designers find what we are looking for, especially when short on time (aka always) and a few tips on details we can include in our email requests!